Travel Support

There may be travel support for some participants to attend the workshop - please organizers at spincharge dot org contact us for more information.

The Workshop

The field of spin and charge properties at the nanoscale is moving forward extremely rapidly, characterized by many unifying themes: quantum coherence, single-quantum dynamics, inhomogeneous magnetism and the effects of collective modes on transport and optics. The motion of domain walls in magnetic nanowires, the dynamics of a coherent exciton in a single quantum dot, and the interactions between magnetic dopants in a semiconductor are examples of areas of intensive research in this field.

The 3rd Workshop on Nanoscale Spin and Charge Dynamics will bring together experts in the theory and experiment of such systems, along with junior participants. The workshop format, with pedagogical talks presented by leaders in the field, and considerable time scheduled for discussion, is designed to encourage scientific advances at the workshop and to spark new collaborations.


  • single dopants in semiconductors.
  • single-quantum dynamics.
  • inhomogeneous magnetism.
  • domain walls in magnetic nanowires.
  • quantum coherent dynamics.
  • Kondo interactions between a single exciton and a continuum.
  • transport in graphene, nanoribbons, and nanotubes
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